Friday, November 7, 2008


So I know that people make mistakes but sometimes when you have told the person more times then you can count to watch how they drive you just want to smack them when something finally goes wrong. My lovely husband who drives like a crazy person sometime was driving to fast once again and slammed into a curb and popped his tire! Well needless to say it is not fixable so we have to replace that one plus one other so things are even. I just wanted to scream last night cause we are so tight right now we cant even pay the medical bills that I have from having Lucas let alone another extra expense. We at times are even having a hard time going to the Groc Store. Neither one of us do anything so there is not much extra money spend on stupid things. All I can say is I am counting the days tell we get our darn taxes so we can pay these darn Medical Bills off!!! All I can say is I cant wait to get my part time business so we are not struggling so much!

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Men! I tell you, I sure know as I have one of my own. lol. But the funny thing is that God gives us the other half we need and no matter what Lance and I have been through that fact remains the same. So, despite this error just LOVE David...and well don't let him drive any more lol.